Frequently Asked Questions

What is tCn?

tCn is an industry-specific website integrating new media technology, (aka social media or web 2.0) used in platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube, in one central platform.  A short video introduction is available here.

How did it start?

In early 2009, a group of managers from within construction started to recognise an increasing use in social media among their peers. Various websites were helping people connect with each other and share information in new and exciting ways.  It was thought that this technology could somehow be used to help those within the built environment as well as the industry’s next generation of professionals.  Extensive research was carried out with various key individuals and organisations with the first version of tCn being launched at the Ecobuild exhibition in March 2010.

Who is it for?

tCn is for professionals, companies and communities connected to the built environment.  It is also aimed at students, graduates and apprentices in an effort to educate them about the industry and opportunities within it.

What features are available?

Individuals can create a professional profile and start to share information while building a growing network of contacts.  They can view the latest industry news and events or learn of developments relevant to new legislation, best practise and project leads.  Companies can add an official listing promoting the services they offer with contact details and optimised links back to specific pages within their corporate website.  They can use RSS feeds to add information such as news, blogs and jobs as well as posting articles to tCn’s growing knowledge centre for innovation and research. Polls can be set up to capture the opinions of members, and videos can be used to further promote, educate and assist. Key events can be posted on a local, regional or national basis and suppliers can launch new products and services as well as CPD seminars. Communities can be set up offering forum groups specific to employers, sectors or areas of interest.  Leading new media channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube are being integrated with tCn making it a central platform for both individuals and companies to share in the benefits together.

How much does it cost?

In an effort to encourage the sharing of information and bringing together of our industry we have tried to offer as many free features as possible. To keep the concept sustainable and offer benefits to organisations as well as individuals, ugrades are available depending on the size of the organisation and their social media strategy. These have been kept at a minimal level and are explained further in the My Membership section available once users have registered and logged in.

Is traditional advertising available?

Yes.  Although research has told us that users would like to limit banner advertising, there is still room for some well placed promotional messages. Information is available on the Advertise page.

What makes it different from other networking sites?

Other platforms do what they do extremely well.  Having been created by industry people for industry people, tCn aims to integrate new media in one site that is specific to the built environment offering real relevance.  Organisations that are not well versed in online networking can start to enjoy the benefits it offers and learn from expert members in this field.  Although we are still always learning, the research we carried out has told us what people like and dislike about new media sites and we have incorporated this into our approach.  For example, we added an advanced registration process ensuring the quality of the network, also allowing us to limit the number of unwanted demographics such as recruiters and headhunters.  The biggest difference is that the very reason tCn was created was to improve various aspects of our industry. We are passionate about working in collaboration with organisations to ensure this happens.  A growing number of Featured Members and Media Partners showed their support early on and are now working with us to help educate our industry and ensure the networks success.

What about people without work email addresses?

People without work email addresses can obtain invitation codes to bypass the normal registration process and gain immediate access to the network. These are distributed to partnering membership organisations, colleges and universities.  Users can also contact us introducing themselves should they not have the information required.

Who is already involved?

Many organisations are already involved with Featured Members and Media Partners including the likes of Balfour Beatty, Mace, Glenigan, CIOB, ICE, IstructE, CIAT, Travis Perkins, JCB, Shuco, Constructing Excellence, CIMCIG, Showhouse, Construction Enquirer, Demolition News and New Civil Engineer to name a few.

What does the future hold for tCn?

tCn is looking to educate our industry about the benefits of new media together with leading marketing experts. We will look to re-invest any revenue generated to further promote the network encouraging the next generation of talent to enter our industry, with tCn acting as an effective tool throughout their careers.

Should you have any questions whatsoever please don’t hesitate to contact the tCn team.

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